

Niki Manning

Hi, I’m Niki!  I’m a wife (of 11 years) and mama (to a precious son), and very gratefully, I was raised in the church. In my 20’s, I found myself sinking deep into rejection, disappointment, shame, and guilt. I remember waking up one morning feeling so empty, and then I heard the Lord speak so clearly. “You were made for more than this.” We hear that all the time, but it hit my spirit that day!  

I KNEW that I was loved by the King of Kings! Now, that’s not to say everything has been perfect since, but I’ve never been the same. It is my passion and JOY to share with others that “switch flip” moment where YOU know that you know- you, too, were made for more!  

My goal day to day is to share His truth and love and empower others to do the same.

Apart from loving life with others, I treasure family time! We have weekly movie nights, enjoy camping and outdoors, and we are all big fans of game night! 


Stacy Howell

Hello to all  my name is Stacy, and I have been married to my college sweetheart for 22 years. We have 6 kiddos and never a dull moment! 

I’m a photographer of 14 years turned women’s pastor and currently pursuing different seminary degrees.

I have a passion to see people discover their worth in Jesus!  I believe all have a voice that needs to be heard, and every person’s purpose in the kingdom is as important as the next and should be honored. 

I’ve realized the importance of observing the sabbath and carve that time out weekly.  Any free time after that is usually devoted to working on a book that’s almost finished, soaking up sunshine or enjoying complete silence (cause it’s always loud around here ).